I see you. Yes, you. Powerful, strong, a force to be reckoned with. And yet… you don’t trust yourself… yet. Don’t worry, even the most badass leader can deal with self doubt at times. *see the end for a special event to help you heal this*

You go back on your words, you apologize, you procrastinate, you ask every single person for their opinion when all you need is to go inwards.

The messages we receive in childhood (from the matrix) wants us to believe everything outside of us makes us who we are — the job, the weight, the money, the followers… It’s all BS designed to make us doubt ourselves and our power — you deserve so much better than that.

Keep reading for my top 3 tips to alchemize self doubt into unshakeable self trust.

1. Move your body.

Chances are, you are experiencing self doubt because you are holding yourself to the expectations of others. My favorite way to clear my energy field: movement. Put on your favorite high-powered music and shake! Let it all hang — no worries about how you make look or sound. Shake your way through at least 1 song (I do this for at least 15 minutes). Take note of how clear you feel afterwards.

2. Feel into your body.

Now that you’ve cleared your energy, time to feel into your body. So often, we make decisions from our minds. The programming we receive is very mental (I.e. think of phrases like mind over matter). Take a few moments to do this simple practice: find a calm space to sit and be in silence. Now, bring your situation to mind. Notice what your body feels like when you meditate on 1 decision vs another. The bodily sensation that feels more comfortable + loving is usually the one that is most aligned with you.

3. Consider your values.

You’re a powerful leader. You have a mission. You have strong values. What are they? By focusing on the things you hold dear — what drives you each and every day, you’ll make decisions that you not only trust, but you’re proud of.

The biggest takeaway I hope you have from this: You are the best guru you will ever find. Your heart, your body, your soul can lead you to your most authentic, embodied, and purposeful life. It’s time to quiet the ego and let your soul guide you.

Let me know in the comments: How does self doubt show up for you?

If you’re looking for more guidance on this, we’ll be diving deep into this in my upcoming women’s circle on Saturday, December 11th in Central Florida. If you’re in the area, register and join us to unwind, nourish yourself, and heal your body of stress in a healing environment just for women 💚