Do you know your throat and your womb are connected?

When we are forming in our mother’s womb, there is one cell that divides into two that eventually becomes the throat and the womb.

Even as we grow, these two parts of our body are comprised of the same tissues and nerves.

How you use your voice and how you interact with your womb are inherently connected.

This means, if you are experiencing reproductive issues then your ability to voice what you believe in is affected.

Tight pu$$y = constricted voice.
Hormonal imbalance = imbalanced throat chakra.
Disconnected from your womb = disconnected from communication.

The womb space for females is the root of our power. You can think of this as W.R.E.A.M., womb rules everything around me. The hormonal and physical shifts of your womb are so intense that you are a different person every day of the month.

So whether or not you want to acknowledge it, your womb affects every aspect of your life.

Your mind.

Your nutritional needs.

Your muscle activity.

Your hormones.

Especially your voice.

By breathing deeply into your throat, you can increase pleasure and sensation in your vagina.

To start, I’ll invite you to a simple exercise.

Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth while groaning through your throat.

Now, try it again. This time, feel into how your hips feel in relation to your throat.

Now I invite you to practice this on the daily.

Let me know below: what’s your relationship like with your womb?

🎨: @luisaalexandre


P.S. If you’re ready to dive deeper into feminine embodiment, I have a few offerings that can be of service.
1. Womb Wisdom Bundle— $99
Connect to your heart, your womb, and your body to reawaken the ancient wisdom in your DNA.

2. Liberate and Embody Your Inner Child: self paced course — $999
Journey for 16 weeks to transmute your childhood experiences and come into union with all parts of yourself.

3. I’m holding space for 3 women in my 1:1 coaching container called Returning to the Feminine. In this space, I help female execs and high-performers heal trauma from their bodies and deepen into femininity, SO THAT they live in alignment with their bodies, have room for their families, and truly love life vs disconnecting and hustling all the time. Sustainable legacy for the win. This is a 5 figure investment for responsible, mature women only.

All are available through