Hey lovelies! It’s been a while since you’ve heard from me, I been hard at werk
Recently, my personal and work lives have started to beautifully align in a way I hadn’t expected at all. In many aspects of my life, I get to cultivate community for women, especially women of color
When I first began this blog, my goal was to share my holistic healing journey as a black woman. I became the representation I was looking for after realizing most of what I saw in the wellness space was catered to wealthy white women.
Now for the first time in my life, I am working on both personal and professional projects that uplift and empower women of color to thrive
This domino effect was first set off in January of this year when I accepted an opportunity to join College Fashionista, an online community supporting smart, young, ambitious, career-driven, and fashionable college women and femmes. This community exists at the intersection of beauty, relationship-building, career development, and self empowerment. Pretty badass if I say so myself.
EDIT: I am no longer working with BlindSeed due to previous time/energy commitments. I wish them nothing but love
These themes continue for me, extending to my summer plans. This summer, I am interning with BlindSeed, an inclusive wellness community based out of New York. They are black women owned which is a wonderful blessing. The collective runs workshops, urban retreats, and other events to help others become aligned with their truest selves They even have a shop of eco-conscious serums, herb bundles, and room sprays. Check them out here.
As of two weeks ago, I am a new writer with the Matai Agency, a young online publication focused on empowering women of color in all aspects of their lives: empowerment, lifestyle, relationships, careers, health. Read my first article here
Aaaand if you haven’t noticed, my blog is now newly designed! This was born out of my vision for Cosmic Tigre to be an online haven of resources and love for women of color who are looking for no bullshit ways to be well.
I have found and am constantly re-defining the connection to my Higher Self, I want you to have the same.
I could not have imagined that my wildest visualizations would be coming into reality in such incredible and rewarding experiences.
When you set the intention and put in hard work, all that you’re visualizing will manifest because it’s already yours.
I am so excited to see where my partnerships with these amazing communities will lead both my professional and personal lives. It’s surreal to know that the best is only yet to come.
I’m so fucking happy that you want to join along for the ride