When I talk about surrendering to Him, it’s in reference to a worthy man.
Make no mistake ladies, not every man is worthy of receiving your trust, sweetness, and affections.
This is why it is significant to develop your discernment and vet possible suitors.
Developing discernment involves being in tune with your intuition (gut instinct) to know when something isn’t right. This is different from when you are having a trauma response (I’ll share more on how you can spot the difference in another post).
Vetting essentially means testing your suitors to see how they behave in certain situations. This is different from torturing and being an insufferable brat.
My mentor, Martine (@femininityandfreedom) reminds me that in vetting a man for marriage, it is essentially his chance to show you why you should choose him to win the competition. In nature, the male animals of any species take the time and energy to be bright, colorful, and attractive. They literally work their hardest to prove to the females that they are the best suitable mate through physical attraction, providing a home, and even bringing females food.
We humans are animals too and there’s no difference in how we are biologically wired. Traditionally speaking, men would compete for the hand of a woman (in marriage) and she would choose the best option amongst a pool of suitors.
These men were vetted through the categories of the ability to provide, values, genetics, family/community/network, ambition/drive, and good temperament.
It was then understood that if a man could provide this, this frame would help a woman feel safe and she would then surrender to Him as a result. From here, they would grow into love.
Remember, a worthy man’s goal is to help you feel held and taken care of by his frame. That is the standard I invite you all to hold.
If you’ve read up until this point, then I have a program I know will help you step into a new level of being. We will be focusing on this very art of discerning and vetting in my 1:1 and group hybrid coaching, called Returning to the Feminine. High performing boss babes who desire to come home to their feminine being – DM me to apply.
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