Sensuality goes beyond sex.

Sensuality = being in tune with your senses — sight, sound, taste, touch, smell, intuition…

Sex can be a sensual experience. When you’re in the moment, it definitely is 💦💋

Yet, sensuality is a way of life that rests on the cornerstone of being present and receiving messages

Anything can be a sensual experience when you’re open to it:

🥘Moaning as a perfectly spiced bite of food dances on your tastebuds

⚡️Feeling your skin flush with the warmth of an electric touch

🌬Noticing the scent of salt water heavy in the air

🌊Listening to the crashing of waves at sunset the shore

This is the root of everything I devote myself to, the pillars of what I teach in my programs.

〰Tuning into the wisdom of the present moment, trusting our bodies to guide us〰

Through the disease, through the discomfort, through the joy, through the pleasure

Sacred sensuality leads you back to your primal intelligence

I’ve been diving deep into this with my newsletter lovers 💌

It seems simple because it is…

I live by listening deeply to my most primal intelligence

It wasn’t always this — I remember intellectualizing everything, needing to find ‘rationality’ before deciding

Until I decided that my body was the guru and trusted in her to guide me

⚡️The more you practice this presence, the more you root into your power⚡️

You’ll understand how you REALLY feel about things based on how your body and energy respond.

And when you integrate these messages — this is truly embodied wisdom.

I’m birthing a new container where I’m guiding you through this primal sensuality journey — you’ll meet her soon 🐍

💌 email me at to pre-register 💐