I have died and been reborn more times than I can count. In every breath, every moment calls me to shed another part of me, bringing forth a new person.

And then — there are moments when the micro-deaths pave way for something larger, a blazing fire burning up everything I thought I was. Laying waste to the very foundations I stood upon.

Leaving me shaking in my skin, primal fears and desires clearly visible, exposed plain as day. This is exactly where I am now. Raw, rude, guttural. Good.

To so many this is terrifying — myself included. Diving into the shadows calls you to face every single aspect of yourself. Holding a mirror up to what you repress, what is tearing you up inside, what is screaming to come forth and be see the light of day.

You see, in the darkest moments is when your truest, most primal self comes out. The real embodiment, true spirituality is embracing it, letting it liquify you down to the core, and succumbing to the power in the shadows. Loving every single part of yourself is a process that looks different for everyone. This is what a primordial, indigenous being of this Earth knows.

The call of a shadow dancer is to see that fear, hold its hand, and dive in anyway. We understand that all human attempts to create structure are simply a superficial attempt to feel in control over this unknown journey we call life. Understand that trusting ourselves to be in the void space is power, is strength, is wealth.

Some days I feel a master, other days a novice. The one thing I know: the only way out is through.

It’s not for everyone. But trust and believe you me, I wouldn’t trade this for the world.

I used to think a fresh start meant getting rid of everything and having a blank state. But lately I’ve realized every version of me I once was paved the path to who I am becoming.

So I’m here: using everything before this moment to fertilize the newness I am here to grow. Adelante 🌿